From Greenhouse to Coffee
In the 1960s it was used as a fruit store and sometimes as a greenhouse. An architecture reflecting the period was created by using iron profiles. Iron profiles are used to carry the glass both on the roof and on the facade. Since this building is located on the land of an education campus and is intended to be used to meet the needs of students; it is designed as a coffee drinking place. The roof was covered with wood and improvements were made without much intervention to the facade. The building, which has been serving with different companies in different periods; has been serving for 65 years while preserving its originality.
Halkalı, Küçükçekmece, İstanbul, TürkiyeEmployer:
İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim UniversityContributors:
Mehmet Yeşilyurt, Abdullah AluçTYPE OF WORK: